Sorokathon 2017 - Prince George
A fundraiser for the Small Festival Insurance Plan
A fund to support small festivals in western Canada is being established, called the Small Festival Insurance Plan. Over the weekend of May 26th thru 28th an event is being held at ArtSpace in Prince George to initiate this fund. It’s the second annual Sorokathon, where BC songwriter Dave Soroka will perform all original songs for 24 hours with no repeats and without sleep, and with minimal breaks.
But it doesn’t stop there. After that there will be a lineup of great performers, including Raghu Lokanathan, Willie Kuklis, Crowmarsh, Doug Koyama, Chipko Jones, The Cuthberts, Scotty Dunbar, Juno Mac and many more who will carry on through another night, filling the second 24 hours and making this a 48-hour event. Sorokathon 2017 will begin at noon, Friday May 26th and go ’til noon, Sunday the 28th. It is a fundraiser, folks, and the cause is a worthy one, so please everybody, tune in, come on down, and pledge some support!
The first Sorokathon was held at MoM Festival 2016 in Fort St. James. It raised almost $1,000 for MoM. Thanks Dave!