Join us in a celebration of healing and wellness at MoM Festival this year.
Saturday 11am
Saturday 12pm
PERSONAL MANDALAS of HEALTH With Jessiquita & Marilyne Interested in creating more balance in your life? Want to explore and expand your capabilities to self heal? Join two fun-loving health facilitators, Jessiquita and Marilyne, for a creative and interactive workshop that will give you ideas, tools--and your own personal mandala for wholistic health! This workshop will explore the idea that our health is more than just our physical bodies-- it is our mental processes, our emotions, and even our connections with spirit and higher powers. That is why self-healing involves so much more than just getting more exercise or eating the right foods! In this workshop, particpants will use frameworks based on such ancient wisdom as the medicine wheel, to identify constructive activities to bring about balance and health. The workshop will conclude with participants developing their own personalized mandala for health using various forms of art supplies. |
Saturday 1pm
Timeless Voices Sound Healing Journey Doug Koyama Timeless Voices is a workshop in which I guide the participants through a course of perception altering exercises and sonic adventures into vocal improvisation. There is no right, there is no wrong. Take a breath, make a sound, do it again . . . that's all you need to remember. After a warm-up for your body and your voice we will experience Long Tones, where each breath is a note created by you. When your creation joins together with the group's creations the result can be breath-taking. Learn what your body and your mind already know about invented language. As time allows we will explore interlocking patterns and rhythms and create rich "bed grooves" over which we can take turns in full bloom, singing improvised solos. Vocal improv is about connecting with others and the earth. When we sing together those vibrations resonate in all of us but also in the spaces between us and the space around us. We form a single chorus and the healing magic of song radiates out from us in all directions. |
Sunday 12pm
Connecting with Creator
Tina Mcferran
Our thoughts become our reality and by focusing our natural intuition and using unconditional love it is possible to clear away our road blocks and create opportunities for instantaneous physical and emotional healing. Join Tina as she creates a safe space for you to remember your gifts and abilities and connect with the Creator. Let love and light shine.
Connecting with Creator
Tina Mcferran
Our thoughts become our reality and by focusing our natural intuition and using unconditional love it is possible to clear away our road blocks and create opportunities for instantaneous physical and emotional healing. Join Tina as she creates a safe space for you to remember your gifts and abilities and connect with the Creator. Let love and light shine.
Sunday 1pm
Intuition and Tarot Andrea Zonnis Are you psychic? Or perhaps just curious? Learn tools and techniques to connect to your higher self and strengthen your intuitive muscle. We will be discussing the different types of psychic abilities there are and how to use these gifts in our daily lives. Bring all of your questions on psychic development and Tarot, Andrea will be happy to answer them for you! |